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Work Harder

09/08/20 8:34 PM

#20129 RE: steel8000 #20128

Take a look @ Ph's Stallergene post today

Then take a hard look @ VC

& what I posted about him & AIT trials in Europe

I won't explain it but look @ Martin B

VC dude is the



I don't need to challenge the MM's

They see something we don't

Longer it sits here

The more telling it will be


Work Harder

09/08/20 8:56 PM

#20130 RE: steel8000 #20128

So if you look @ the GMP paper

published earlier this year


& you look @ Bill & Ruth combining

HIV & TB before funding anything & I'm sure Ruth knew the Hiv & Malaria trials (Big Pharam) would fail

Then Transvac support is meaningful

Considering what the German side of Swazzyland does

When it comes to injections or @ the muscoual layers

It must be why AF has a problem w/ investigating it in the gut or more so

but the point being is

If the Catalent & Anergis patents are hidden for a reason

What is that about

B/C we are going to know