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09/05/20 10:46 AM

#296631 RE: couldbebetter #296601

My concern is JT keeps one foot on the dock and one in the boat, scuffling along with huge sales force and DTC campaign in the US, while muddling through GIA in Europe. This will eventually lead to burning through cash and future dilution, which would crush any chance of current shareholders seeing value.

I'm concerned he is not bold enough to make a significant pivot but will instead plod along with blinders on, hoping one last throw of the dice will result in SCOTUS hearing our case.

Meanwhile the clock is ticking and we need a plan of action to maximize the value of the company with the assets we have left.

I would be fine if JT decided to settle with generics for early entry while we build the market, decided to battle the generics with our head start on supply and sell our own generic (pure volume play), or decided to slash costs and leeave the US for dead, conserving cash for Europe and ROW play, or sell the damn company to a entity that can really do something with Vascepa (hopefully for at least $10/share).