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09/05/20 3:46 AM

#296571 RE: Whalatane #296387

I agree that if Amarin is to succeed globally they in effect need to stack it high and sell it cheap
- I see Hamoas point - there will be 4 generics fighting over what is yet in USA a small established market - whether this delays entry is a big question .. Amarin would be profitable if lots of costs were stripped away - continuing to throw big bucks at market development without profit and for a short time is pretty pointless - it worked if they had long patent protection in USA - that’s gone
So things must change

Effectively Amarin could - if it can sell it cheaply enough now become the generic in USA-and make it economically unattractive thus for other generics to compete

This would also enable them to sell it cheaply in Europe and row
Making as much profit as it can out of any particular market place

It is now -if Amarin an independent company -all about how they operate financially

They could be acquired of course by another drug company who for example has established sales and management in Europe /row and who could still operate effectively as a generic seller in USA

Questions of timing and low cost market delivery

I suspect for a small company such as Amarin / with no organisation outside USA - and limited one at that in USA- where it is designed currently to operate on a different model -this is all too big an ask
Question is also whether any pharma out there want to take this challenge on - and to have to pay to BO a Amarin for the privilege of taking this task on
Alternatively Amarin could just operate on a Canada basis country by country across Europe and row letting local partners do the leg work and simply become a royalty company in effect - whilst this was not likely in the past whilst they had USA behind them with patent protection it may be a direction they have to travel now

All very big questions and decisions ahead and very careful financial management required

Staying independent poses huge long term issues of running and developing the company business ahead

I can see that if anyone would buy JT and board would jump at it

None of these options are easy