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09/04/20 10:55 AM

#16837 RE: drugmanrx #16828

The beauty of the $NDTP/CCA technology is also absorption.

Most of today's Vit C products are 95% destroyed by stomach acid, and maybe 10% of the 5% that gets to the gut is absorbed into the blood stream, because it is water soluble Vit C (not oil soluble...).

That is why so many Vit C studies testing out Nobel Chemistry Prize winner Linus Pauling's Vit C ideas failed in major cancer and other disease studies.

Linus Pauling used IV Vit C, and claimed he beat his own cancer for 30+ years with the IV method.

In recent years the NIH-did studies with IV Vitamin C and developed the HAT-sepsis therapy that used IV Vit C to save lives. Google "Sepsis" The primary Covid19 killer, and in general...

This year desperate doctors used the HAT-Sepsis method to avoid putting Covid19 patients on ventilators, and with IV drips of Vit C, B-1 Thiamine and hydro-cortisone steroid saved a group of patients lives, 80% of whom would have other wise died on ventilators in April. 5 days later they all walked out of the Hospital alive breathing on their own!!!

Here are the links to details:

HAT-sepsis Therapy

And here is why Zinc is needed as well:

Why we need more zinc:

That is just part of the story, but Vit C and zinc are poorly absorbed as water soluble ingredients.

$NDTP/CCA nano tech can solve that absorption problem.

In drink or oral IV, shots.