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09/21/20 6:06 PM

#162086 RE: NordStorm #161908

One very important part you fail to mention is the location of these supposed 'ASSETS' are ALL located in China. Do you understand the problem this presents? No matter what a US court may rule/demand, it holds little to absolutely no bearing in China. SIAF being registered in the US is basically a name/shareholder formality and doesn't control the assets (if there are any)... There's many cases of this for you to research that will prepare you for the very likely (disappointing) outcome. Please do not think or believe that I want it to end up that way for myself and others alike who've been shafted up the wazoo mercilessly by this slimy old criminal bastard. I've lost nearly 90% amounting to several thousand$ so I'm pulling for what you starting to come to true and for all of us to end up breakeven or maybe better.... and end the horror it's been forever.