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09/03/20 10:24 AM

#295543 RE: massulo52 #295539

We need to hear from the company as to their plan. This is not the time to hibernate but instead inform your shareholders.

Thero blustered about launching his own generic, so where are the details on that? He says AMRN had the supply chain locked up, so where is the detail on that?

We need to know what the road map is forward now. If they don't have a plan of action then I will be extremely disappointed. Where is the crack team that got us through the dark days and completed REDUCE-IT?

Bill B

09/03/20 10:24 AM

#295545 RE: massulo52 #295539

Kodak is lurking out there looking for an entry to manufacturing generic drugs. Only problem with them though is that their announcement they were entering the generic market might have been to score a government loan, which they did before it was revoked, and they are being investigated by the SEC for insider trading.