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09/03/20 8:29 AM

#295383 RE: BaaBaa45 #295380

BaaBaa, I often think of what we have developed into akin to the development of strange species on a far off isolated island.

Those big oceans protected us but also isolated us and when you look at various systems here (healthcare, legal, etc) you see how different they are from other countries - some better and some worse.
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09/03/20 8:32 AM

#295386 RE: BaaBaa45 #295380

BaaBaa - well said. My feeling is the panel had not even studied the case. Certainly Dyk had not read a thing.
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09/03/20 8:39 AM

#295390 RE: BaaBaa45 #295380

Could not have said it better myself. Further, assuming that what we are told is accurate that the judges are not assigned and revealed until the morning of the OA begs the question, how prepared are they when they dont even know that they are on the case until just before OAs? They likely haven't even read the briefs, which in turn leads to stupid questions and references to he when it clearly a she. OAs are an idiotic waste of time and the US legal system is become a world class joke
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09/03/20 8:39 AM

#295391 RE: BaaBaa45 #295380

I agree the dick did not read briefs
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09/03/20 9:01 AM

#295405 RE: BaaBaa45 #295380

Agree it is beyond imagination when so much at stakes.

But for this case, our case, it is positive imo, meaning Dyk was totally uninformed, when he do, there is chance he will see the merit in our case. Thai is my confirmation biased thinking per dmiller of course.
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09/03/20 9:17 AM

#295419 RE: BaaBaa45 #295380


Quote..."Judge Dyk -which does just that)-conclusion he hadn't read the pleadings or studied the case that hard; and then 25 minutes or so of semi-engaged "analysis" of something with thousands of lives and billions of $$ at stake....."

Not really...The decisions of the ninth and the Appeals Court are limited to only the super high trigs indication...And that is not only a trivial indication in terms of lives in the balance (or Vascepa capsules) and Du..bless her heart, did warn the Generics (may they be transported to the the seventh ring)...that if they marketed generic VASCEPA for the CVD event risk indication would be inducing physicians to infringe on Amarin's patents..defined as indirect inducement.( a fact the generics did not like, and might welcome another shot at Du to convince her to change her opinion on that score). So maybe we don't want a "remand"...and maybe we should look on the sunny side and accept our minor setback..The unfortunate generics are not even going to get an unencumbered path to selling generic V for high trigs,,as Generic Lovaza has the same label and will be a lower priced alternative..Teva had the right idea when they settled for a couple of million dollars..

Time to move on...I am posting this message with the hope it will be contained on this board..and not be disseminated to the market as a whole..I would suggest waiting until the price sinks and stabilizes (at a lower level) and then perhaps you can increase your shares in anticipation of all the assets Amarin possesses..

The only trial you need to know is the REDUCE-IT trial...not these legal farces..A bunch of "farmers from the city"..all these lawyers and judges in their black robes...Mori was published in a non peer reviewed journal of Australia...Not even a medical journal..One of the articles in the same journal Mori was published was.."What is a Vegetable".

Give me a break...Is Lewis Carol not gone???

":>) JL