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09/03/20 12:23 PM

#38223 RE: pegs1 #38222

Pegs1.. You are one of the stabilizing forces on this board and we appreciate your thoughts and efforts! I wish you the best, and wish that I am all wrong so you can make a good buck on this thing?

I guess it would be wise to stay until the Provisional Patent time limit expires to see what CRTG has come up with? It will be put up or shut up time, or they will have no protection whatsoever! Then it is presumed that CRTG with hastily run to the Patent office and apply for a REAL Patent Application on whatever they came up with?

Yes, they have Michigan U helping them with something, maybe enough to award them with a new Patent that will open up the doors for them, but that won't be easy, with maybe 11 other upgraded or improved CHS patents getting in the way! And, the U of Michigan doesn't have forever to work with CRTG, as time limits are usually involved there too!

It will be a struggle, but they have a chance if their new ideas fit the high quality improvements the USPTO demands of its new Patent Appliers?