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09/02/20 1:19 PM

#294969 RE: rafunrafun #294968

The expert who was live tweeting the OA, and has argued in front of these judges says it's done deal that AMRN lost. Not sure if you saw his thread but it basically says Singer got his ass kicked. Probably why we're down 30%.

Only hope is the silent judge Hughes votes for AMRN and Reyna somehow follows suit. Dyk is 100% generic in this case.
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09/02/20 1:20 PM

#294970 RE: rafunrafun #294968

That is the only chance we have at this point. Or that Singer blustered through in order to drive them to review his briefs in more detail.

Either way, my stomach is in my throat once more. What a shame it is that we drew this panel.
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09/02/20 1:21 PM

#294972 RE: rafunrafun #294968

This is how I see it too, Reyna and highest basically silent on both sides, only dyk is grilling singer...

I am biased of course.
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09/02/20 1:30 PM

#294982 RE: rafunrafun #294968

How is it that our two hero lawyers, Sipes and Singer, who write such well thought out briefs and have wonderful records, crash and burn in front of Judges. And how can three appellate judges read the Briefs and Du's contrived and contorted opinion and not have made a decision on the briefs. As an aside, it is obvious they have not read this board. Great work was done dissecting Du and Mori, Kubayashi, etc. by all.
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09/02/20 1:35 PM

#294989 RE: rafunrafun #294968

So, Dyk was throwing a hissy fit because going in he knew the other judges had already told him they thought it should be overturned. Kind of reminds me of the behavior we saw during the Kavanaugh hearings.
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09/02/20 1:40 PM

#294998 RE: rafunrafun #294968

If each judge had predetermined to affirm Du's ruling prior to hearing then why not cancel the OA?
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09/02/20 6:29 PM

#295230 RE: rafunrafun #294968

I have not read all posts yet following OA

But ...

There were 3 judges on the panel

Hughes I gather said nothing - so tell me how do you read his position from OA ?
Reyna did not say a great deal but from what I gather was not condemning of Amarins position on appeal - he sought certain clarifications - how do you read his position from OA

Clearly one of the 3 did not come over as supportive - gave Singer a hard time - but are you sure you know which way he will rule?

Now reflect on the fact that these 3 judges have Considered / will yet consider in detail the briefs - the bedrock of an appeal

Anyone / the market / who says they know the appeal outcome on the OA is a fool

I don’t know we have won
I don’t know we have lost

Do you think the Judge - Who was so noisy in the OA spoke for all 3 judges - ? the judge who incidentally has just been overturned by the FC - maybe he was a bit pissed and wanted to make a show

I will know whether we have won or lost when I here the outcome

I am a lawyer
I have lost cases I thought I had won in front of a tribunal and I have won cases I thought I had lost

The legal arguments remain strong ... they are reflected in the briefs in a compelling manner
Await the outcome - before you either rejoice .. or jump off a ledge