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09/02/20 12:16 PM

#234453 RE: Simpsonly #234452

15 Years Ago Rehashed Bullshit


09/02/20 12:19 PM

#234456 RE: Simpsonly #234452

Thank you. In the linked post you have more clearly articulated the point I've been trying to make. Non-Whelan investors have carried BIEL for decades and are responsible for the ongoing operations.


09/02/20 12:26 PM

#234458 RE: Simpsonly #234452

The Whelans have been named an illegal share selling scheme which has resulted in their being in possession of highly valued notes held against ALL OF THE EQUITY IN BIOELECTRONICS without having contributed much, or maybe even any, of their own money. Said result is responsible for severely diluting the equitable holdings of every single other marketplace shareholder of BIEL.
In plain language - underhanded, self-dealing Whelans have, and possibly continue to leverage their positions highly at the expense of every other shareholder.
Fair or not fair?
I’ll start - NOT FAIR.