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09/01/20 4:59 PM

#62741 RE: Buttercup5 #62740

looks like the lawyers have made out like bandits - 500k plus in fees just from 2018 . How can these lawyers milk poor Mr. Darcy for all this money when it could have been used for marketing for the medical products.


09/01/20 5:38 PM

#62742 RE: Buttercup5 #62740

Yep, some dilution is expected. I'm assuming that it's for legal fees and/or the acquisition of the Oklahoma Canabis Assets. The fact that the price has been relatively stable thru it is reassuring to me since they aren't just tanking the stock to get it done. It takes money to make money Buttercup. I for one am glad to see that Klug is handling business in the sense that filings keep coming, so everything seems on the up and up to me. Sure I would prefer the price to just rocket up but I believe in due time it will. Anyone not happy should certainly sell and move on.

Goid luck and all the best