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09/02/20 1:19 AM

#321887 RE: MXAMDUD #321767

"94% of the people that died (according to the just published CDC report) would have died anyway due to serious underlying conditions.

what is not being talked about - instead of silly masks and social distancing - is America getting off their couch, getting exercise, stop eating fried twinkies, stop eating, drinking and smoking so much. Strong immune systems will stop Covid and the next Covid and the Covid after that,


All are entitled to their opinion. I disagree. Our 18 yo son, who heads out to Colorado this Friday for his freshman year, just recovered from it (worst symptoms were loss of smell/ loose bowels. His good friend contracted it first- he was working at a country club over the summer and suspects he got it there, not sure. Recovered, and left for Univ of Dayton~ 2 weeks ago. He just found out he has it again. Another good friend, and classmate of our son arrived at Notre Dame the first week of August. He took his fifth covid yesterday due to the number of postively tested students he's encountered(clear ).
Another H.S at U Alabama says it's spreading fast down there- over a 1000 reported cases in a couple weeks.

Meanwhile, where my 90 yo father lives(a reirement comm), the adminisrators made a command decision back in March(3/11, 2 days after he relocated to an apartment where all is accessible w/o a car((he still has, but uses 1-2X/week)). Prohibited all out side visitor's till just a couple weeks ago- but only 2 at any one time know, after temp check and a couple other things. This is a one stop retirement community(independent townhouses and apartments, as well as a nursing home,and recently built dementa center. It's top notch. They've had only 2 cases, both early on and played a part in their response. The husband died of covid, the wife survived. No cases since.

Party on Garth!