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08/31/20 3:01 PM

#38730 RE: CravenP #38729

the company might block you. the company might file suit against you if you were actually harassing them. you couldn't lose your shares.
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08/31/20 3:40 PM

#38733 RE: CravenP #38729

The SEC can’t take your shares away but if you’re one of the one harassing and it has a direct impact and CLX walks away and cites calls from all the people who have called and emailed as the reason... PASO itself can come after anyone that’s been documented for interfering with the transaction.
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08/31/20 3:41 PM

#38734 RE: CravenP #38729

He’s not talking about people reaching out to PASO personnel....he’s prob talking about people reaching out to people on the other side of the table. So yea if people are hunting people down who work for these other companies who might one day be our partners before the deal is done and it messes things up...then its potentially messing with people’s money and it’s messing with a company’s share holders.

And let’s not kid ourselves it’s not like most people are taught how to communicate with companies. I had a good mentor who used to help me put together emails but I’ve been shocked looking at the way people talk to companies a few diff times. Not only that but a lot of people will share responses publicly which messes things up for those who reach out in a more professional manner.

Plus they can offer clarity regarding info that’s already publicly known , but they really can’t say much other than what’s already been made public. And to some people it would be a red flag if a company disclosed too much anyways
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08/31/20 3:43 PM

#38736 RE: CravenP #38729

It annoys people. When they are making decisions about whether or not to close a deal, having them be annoyed probably isn't in our best interest.

Requests for inside information may be borderline illegal, thus why they are I guess logging the calls in case there are legal issues in the future, but since it sounds like they aren't actually providing that information, the real concern for us as shareholders is the question of whether enough requests for information get so annoying that one of the parties decides to walk away. Hopefully the tweet today gets people to zip their lips and exercise some patience.