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08/30/20 11:01 PM

#16809 RE: imnot6 #16808

I think they can be combined.

Or not. My knowledge of the Liposome tech, tells me either, both, or all in one are possible.

Small and larger Liposomes could be in the same product as well. Hyrdation could be gut to blood crossing only and the other stuff passes the Gut and then BBB, to deliver the really cool stuff to the brain only.


08/30/20 11:22 PM

#16810 RE: imnot6 #16808

Nice link, I had not run across the 60 year old history of the earlier Hydration story. Interesting read, thanks.

Until we see the actual NDTP drink products and formulas all we can do is speculate. I have some ideas of my own, and once Hovis is no longer gagged, and I see what they have, I may broadside them with my own ideas.

So far, most of the drink crap I have seen on the market is BS for one reason or another. Too little real stuff and too much garbage. But that is another post chat for later.


Hovis did say in 2016 they could mask taste of additives. That could be a real big deal.

"Hydrus contains no sugar or carbohydrates, unlike sports drinks, therapeutic drinks and oral rehydration solutions (ORS) that rely upon the glucose-sodium co-transport mechanism for their function.

Yesterday: 50 Years Ago A Discovery Changed the World

Robert Crane’s 1960
“...discovery that sodium transport and glucose transport are coupled in the small intestine, so that glucose accelerates absorption of solute and water, was potentially the most important medical advance this [20th] century... (1978, in The Lancet, 2nd ranked general medical journal, after The New England Journal of Medicine).”