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Watts Watt

08/29/20 5:45 PM

#199878 RE: thoand #199868

Having a contract manufacturer is, no question, better than no contract manufacturer.

I can think of a lot of better ways to show proof of concept without purchasing two MIM machines and a sintering machine that NEVER was hooked up. Jobbing out the sintering should have been the FIRST choice rather than buying an expensive sintering machine. I can also see that Apple is more want to trust the manufacturing of a FOXCONN or a similar entity, first, after viewing the LF Proof of Concept. I am amazed how many have not ever seen an efficient lay-out of production floor before...I recall how many thought that LF was the greatest facility ever and had tons of expansion capability...but nobody remembers those days, do they?

These are common sense, no brainers, and still reflects upon the same people in LQMT: management. On top of the management is Professor Li. He allowed all, mistakes or not, to proceed in Lake Forest under HIS WATCH. I would always keep just a few guys in Lake Forest, as CEO, just so I would be sure to have some fall guys. And, usually, when push comes to shove, in the Chinese management style, the Chinese employees are not the first to go.
(Have you wondered why there have not been nor remain any Chinese employees at LQMT Lake Forest? This has nothing to do with any interns or recent post graduates...although I haven't seen them either.)

I guarantee you, all of the subsidiary operations of Eontec's maze are not being designed by Professor Li. Each companies in house staff has their own prior expertise for the steps in the process of ending up with product. But the bottom line, we still have to trust in an ongoing process development which is NOT COMPLETE (nor, perhaps, should it ever be, but it should have reached a point where EVERY MACHINE id ready for prime time and Not undergoing continuous retrofitting. We did plenty of that ourselves, in house, in the KANG era.

I am writing a TIME ready in a couple of days, to DISPROVE and DISPEL many of the UNICORN theories going on and around to promote a FALSE READING of the 10Q and the PR. After I put it in context of the whole MAZE development since January of 2016, a lot of people are going to feel a lot more comfortable with a reality base check displayed.

Very much I am in the camp of Making It Now who writes excellent points about analyst coverage, etc. which came and went with this stock. Even SMOOT doesn't write SQUAT about LQMT any more.

Second, concerning a stock buyback. Professor Li could buy stock with his own billions. No need for the company to buy the shares. A massive purchase by Professor Li and other big ballers in his camp would drive the stock up OVERNITE.

Hope your anniversary wishes and millionaire dinner come true this year!