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08/29/20 4:09 PM

#56448 RE: dbowren #56447

TinyLittleFemtoRichard is using 'indexing' in the QAnon usage of the word. Much as The National Enquirer "indexes" the news and facts of the world.

Yippy is diligently recording the tail numbers of all the black helicopters and flying saucers reported by the QAnon KKult, and decoding hidden messages printed on pizza boxes and pizza joynt coupons.

Ya'know, it's a DaVinci Code CONspiracy unraveling thing.

Yippy's 'indexing' is much like Scientology's 'auditing'.

Since Yippy is never audited, TinyLittleFemtoRichard relies on his goofy 'indexing' in place of audited financials.

CONspiracy theory PROOF: surveillance video of Dan Rathernott moments after the JFK motorcade sped away from Dealey Plaza - indexed on Yippy