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08/27/20 1:46 AM

#292895 RE: HinduKush #292887

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Brilliant and concise


08/27/20 4:09 PM

#293073 RE: HinduKush #292887

You da man HK - amazing graphical artist work - how long does it take you to create pages like that? Would take me HOURs, especially just finding the info you want to include. However, one section now has me confused - the saturation point occurring somewhere between TGs 500-1000, and you've circled the 1000 on the x-axis of that plot - is that just reference to risk of pancreatitis, or is there some point of inflection that starts at TGs 500 that I can't see? It's some sort of curve fit but the days of me remembering all the different equations and where key changes occur are long gone from memory - use it or lose it - only thing I see is the curve starts trending to asymptotic at TGs 1000, and the slope of the curve appears to change pretty quickly around 500, but that could simply be an artifact of whatever equation was used to curve fit the data.