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08/26/20 4:55 PM

#292862 RE: sts66 #292858


Your logic is flawed. Every month of delay means one more month of people not receiving the benefits of V whether in the first month like is the case for some cancer patients or in the 24th month for meds like V that have cumulative benefits that grow over time. If it takes V 24 months to work, there will be a cohort in 24 months that will be impacted because their initiation of V was postponed a month.

Just like one month of delay in sales means the franchise suffers one month less of full market penetration before losing patent protection, not jsut one month of today's revenues.


08/26/20 5:14 PM

#292864 RE: sts66 #292858

Amarin inevitably want the appeal and eu to coincide - win appeal and combined strength of these two markets makes delivery to both these markets /patients -through amarin - or more likely through the buy out of amarin - an incredible business proposition -for the company -or the big pharma that acquires the company
That is their hope and first choice as to the way forward

Loose appeal and it gets complicated - but let us not dwell on such now

It should never have been so

Everything I have read ... and there has been a great deal to read and digest -leads to the inevitable conclusion that the appeal will be won - I sincerely hope and pray - as a lawyer - that justice is served and the appalling travesty of Du’s Judgement will be consigned to history
Let her conscience for all the damage she has caused lead her to the conclusion that she should resign her position as a District Judge - such is the correct course for her to follow - her intellectual and legal judgement was wrong on so many levels that she should never allow herself to be trusted with such responsibility again