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08/25/20 1:12 PM

#24662 RE: tootalljones #24661

I am bearish on gold and silver, changed my mind, the charts are extended, the price action ominous, nobody is promoting it except bloomberg and they are nothing...people inside gold are not buying, imho.......we are in for a serious retrace which has been put off now for months and months....they are gonna take it down several hundred, gold.


08/25/20 1:18 PM

#24664 RE: tootalljones #24661

TOOT........ I SOLD OUT yesterday after being in Nak for years. Cerainly a big disappointment.

But I can remember when Alaska was considering the OIL Pipeline back in the Early 1970's, the Alyeska Pipeline had the same problems getting Permits. The Stock at that time was VERY turbulent, one day UP and the next day, DOWN in huge swings....... Probably at the time, a Traders dream........... The stock traded all over the nyse, till the decision was made to build the Pipeline........


08/25/20 1:36 PM

#24667 RE: tootalljones #24661

Odd they aren't / weren't hitting the Oil drilling deal this hard. Or maybe they were, and I wasn't paying attention.
Seems this is more about China control for the clowns than anything.