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08/19/20 10:44 AM

#233511 RE: Simpsonly #233508

Biel's Market Cap is Only $13.8 Million Dollars

Market Cap is the Actual Way a Company is Valued.

Share Structure regardless of what you read is simply a component of

Market Cap and Market Cap is What Matters.

23 Billion Shares Outstanding X $.0006 = $13.8 Million

Same as

2.3 Billion Shares Outstanding at $.006 Per Share

Same as

230 Million Shares Outstanding at $.06 Per Share

Same as

23 Million Shares Outstanding at $.60 Per Share

Same as

2.3 Million Shares Outstanding at $6.00 Per Share

Same as

230,000 Shares Outstanding at $60.00 Per Shares

If Apple Were Price Like Biel it would have about 1.75 Quadrillion Shares Outstanding.

Market Cap Rules the Day, there is Only $13.8 Million Dollars worth of Stock to be had.


If 230 Stockholder own 100 Million Shares each that is ALL the Stock Available. Cost $60,000

If 460 Stockholder own 50 Million Shares each that is ALL the Stock Available. Cost $30,000

If 2300 Stockholders own 10 Million Shares each that is All the Stock Available. Cost $6000

If 4600 Stockholders own 5 Million Shares That is ALL the Stock Available. Cost $3000

Get the Picture Folks? Understand?

Most of Biel Stock is Locked in Strong Hands waiting for the Massive rise that will be Coming.


08/19/20 11:14 AM

#233514 RE: Simpsonly #233508

>>>"Still would love that deal" so, decide.<<<

That was a hypothetical statement, so NO THANKS. I am not of that nature to make a personal deal that would hurt all others invested in the same company and wanting the same reward that I want. And that is to see our company flourish and ALL STOCKHOLDERS get rewarded for their investment. I would NEVER make a deal that would hurt that desire. THAT DEAL is without a doubt, NOT helping the stockholders OR the company from achieving that desire. THAT deal was selfish and self serving.

And it is obvious why 'those' note holders (?) would keep defending that DEAL.