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08/15/20 10:00 AM

#631458 RE: ChangnoiPlaza #631452

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08/15/20 10:06 AM

#631460 RE: ChangnoiPlaza #631452

1) Is this rough description correct? YES/NO (if No, what is different?)

The FDIC Receivership is outside the bounds of bankruptcy law. Both are separate issues with minimal overlap in terms of asset distribution. The FDIC assumed WMB Bank assets while the bankruptcy court decided the fate of WMI's estate assets.

2) Is this sale already 100% completed YES/NO at this time? (If NO, what else has to happen?)

Yes, the sale is complete, with the last issue, Globic Settlement between the FDIC, Deutsche and JPM, being finalized in Dec. 2019.

3) Can you confirm this amount as the selling price? YES/NO (If NO, what sales price was defined?)

Yes this was the price paid and is all JPM are ever going to pay.

4) Can you give me a URL where this list of the determination of the book value can be traced?

No asset list was ever provided so as to purposely conceal the quantity and value of the assets ""sold"" to JPM. All done under the guise of protecting the FDIC's Depository Insurance Fund/the US Financial System.

5) Is that correct? YES/NO (If No, please provide further information)

Again, nothing to do with the FDIC. Bankruptcy issues relate to WMI, the former parent of WMB. The July 2020 payment was a bankruptcy payment made to a Creditor whereas the FDIC has ~$13B in claims against the Receivership that must be paid before Escrows receives a dime. There is no money left in the Receivership as the FDIC docs show.

6) Can you confirm that the published sales price of USD 1.889 billion is the real sales price? YES/NO (If no, please provide further information)

Yes this was the final sale price and was arrived at by the FDIC corruptly allowing JPM to value the assets they were purchasing. The whole deal stunk but was justified by the 2008 crisis and went unnoticed during the ensuing panic.

7) Do you agree with me here? YES/NO (If no, please provide further information)

Same as before....conflating separate processes into one, Receivership and Bankruptcy processes are separate and distinct. $13B hurdle must be overcome before Equity holders can be compensated...there simply is no cash left to overcome that hurdle of bank Bond debt.

8) Does this general institution exist? YES/NO. If YES - Where is it managed?

No it does not exist. The only NEW institution that exists is COOP, formerly WMIH. COOP is primarily owned by Institutional Investors and has ZERO to do with supposed former WMI/WMB assets that supposedly exist. This claim is merely a myth created by posters here that have consistently been wrong about every issue relating to this case.

NOTE: The only viable avenue for our Escrow Markers to be compensated comes from the FDIC's Libor suit against several UK Banks on behalf of ~20 US Banks, of which WAMU (WMI/WMB) is likely the largest.