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08/11/20 1:54 AM

#232806 RE: chonrm #232805

MY MY MY MY MY MY MY MY.....So much noise !!!!! SO MUCH INTEREST in BIEL - I LOVE IT !!!!! That means something HUGE, HUMANGOUS is coming SOOOOON, REAL SOON.......HEHEHEHE.....BIEL$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


ATTENTION, People, NEWBIES especially !!!!!!! DO YOUR OWN, INTELLIGENT DD !!!! Go to, read all the news, financials ( NOT that the latter will matter in ANY WAY!! ), research Actipatch on Google, Amazon, Wallmart, ALL the reviews ( POSITIVE / NEGATIVE ) and only then make your OWN, INTELLIGENT DECISION ( REMEMBER: more noise there is - BIGGER CHANCE of the NEWS and acceleration of the PPS ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!! GLTAY
Viva La KELLY !!
Viva La KEITH !!
Viva La SREE !!
Viva La RICHARD !!
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08/11/20 4:15 AM

#232812 RE: chonrm #232805

I find this logic and argument extremely weak in substance and truth.
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08/11/20 4:26 AM

#232814 RE: chonrm #232805

More excuses? Hardly. More weak attempts to distort the truth in the PR released. A basic understanding of business and investing is all that is needed to know the PR is spot on and why BIEL is respecting the OEMs.
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08/11/20 4:33 AM

#232815 RE: chonrm #232805

As conveyed in the PR, in time that information will be made available at the proper time. Makes complete sense from the OEM side as they are still incorporating BIELs technology and certainly don’t want to unveil it until they are ready with their products. Makes total sense. To say that is an excuse is shortsighted and ridiculous.
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08/11/20 4:38 AM

#232817 RE: chonrm #232805

What I love most is that major companies are now incorporating little ol’ BIELs technology. Imagine that. And not just one. In fact, that PR talked about 5 companies. And that is just for starters. Like watching Mahomes scoring 5 TDS and realizing it’s still only the second quarter. Go BIEL!!!!