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uber darthium

08/10/20 1:14 AM

#60956 RE: cnote420 #60955

Nice, yeah those over at BRKK need a reality check and they buying blindly into the spoon fed pumps from the glue sniffing crazed Venetian blind repair guys. They’ll learn, but I wish you would drop in and give them a dose of well needed reality !!

I bought a lot of SANDD, and I mean a lot. I was very disappointed in the last filing and quietly sold off a big chunk only because I don’t my money to go stale. This is a good product, a really good product and I believe in the bigger picture here. We’ll get there one day, just taking way too long. I applaud the man I used to bash 24/7 here. His reputation and intentions are honorable, so here I am. I’ll buy in again in huge blocks once I see some more respectable performance. I have said too many times the product is overpriced, our revenues would skyrocket with a decrease in selling price.

In the meantime, from the pointy end of SANDD FORCE ONE,

Good luck in your trades and RedHawk strong !