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08/17/20 8:08 AM

#21587 RE: planetaryfuture #21586

Digital Currency Faces "Chance-of-a-Lifetime" To Resolve Planetary Meltdown .....

It's no accident that I address this "challenging and liberating theme" from the .... First Bitcoin Capital Corp Investor's Hub page ..... $BITCF ..... because they were very early into the emergence and development of "Blockchain Technology" ..... along with offering some practical creative applications .....

Our world appears to be perched at a remarkable plateau of transition ..... as many have noticed the abysmal failure of the Central Banking System ..... and especially the privately owned "Federal Reserve System" .....

Deficit driven economies are unable to remain solvent from a mathematical perspective ..... while the Central Banking practice of "Fractional Reserve Banking" will lead no-where-else ..... other than "Perpetual Slavery" ..... for all generations to come .....

See the prescient 10-part "Hidden Secrets Of Money" by ..... Mike Maloney ..... to grasp the nature of the issue .....

Why a handful of the wealthiest people on the planet act as though they deserve to possess a majority share of known global assets remains a haunting and gnawing mystery for a growing multitude ..... When will they ever have enough to live a comfortable-healthy life ? ..... and recognize a practical satisfying level of contentment ? .....

A golden opportunity to face courageous and determined change has seemingly arrived by way of "Digital Currency" empowerment .....

Naturally ..... the electorate must find the determination and willingness to participate !!! ..... while the age-old global status-quo economic scaffolding continues its path of deconstruction due to a bouquet of factor's reshaping modern history day-by-day .....

Some raise issues concerning the alleged limiting speed of Bitcoin while overlooking the potential of Leemon Baird's ...... Hashgraph technology .....

In a "wacky fiction story" I began penning in 1983 ..... I speculated about a future having crime-proof ..... "liquid asset terminals" ..... which applied digital technology to follow the thread of every purchase transaction while adjusting taxes and other potential fees in real-time ..... finally eliminating the need to carry a wallet for currency ..... and a system requiring fail-safe personal identification by way of vein patterns ..... eyes ..... fingerprints ..... etc .....

People might need to be honest and feel like they have nothing to hide ..... for this approach to work on a broad scale .....

The orange-covered binder vanished at some point ..... though the basic features of the "comical honeybee-espionage" oriented story remain .....

I have moved on !!! ..... And I would like to believe others have too !!! ..... Our collective future lies ahead ..... in a forwardly direction !!! ..... We have all made mistakes and hopefully have learned something along the way !!! .....

Best Wishes