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08/30/20 10:08 PM

#21588 RE: planetaryfuture #21587

Global Economy --- "Crisis Discussions" .....

The preeminent theme of the day searches-out a variety of "highly spirited" opinions by top economist Steven Moore ..... who has worked for and with President Trump ..... Professor Mark Skousen who mostly moderates ..... and Market savvy Peter Schiff who chimes-in with "counterpoint perspective" .....

Moore agrees with Schiff in seeing government spending as eventually parlaying into burdensome "TAX" ..... while it comes as no big surprise ...... that Moore's take relative to fixing the economic and social crisis ..... embracing a scenario of Trump prevailing ..... hinges upon CV-19 "disappearing" before election day ..... which to me ..... seems more like a "pipe-dream" from the legendary "Alice In Wonderland" fantasy tale ..... Though who can say at this point !!! ...... exactly which way the dice will tumble ..... I simply hope ..... all interests will have what it takes to be "truthful !!!" .....

We all simply need to wait another ..... approximate 65 days !!!

I love the richness of this discussion while opposing views are presented in a reasonable and respectful way !!! ..... so I feel taking the time to evaluate these very timely diverse perspectives has been worthwhile .....

..... Naturally ..... the overall theme raises the strategic and logical question relative to the potential role a corporation such as ..... First Bitcoin Capital Corp ..... stock ticker $BITCF ..... might likely contribute as a "modern-day" solution to help resolve this churning epic planetary financial crisis .....

One sees forward-thinking intervention's like Dubai's "Blockchian-Technology" applications in process to streamline costly government paperwork and efficiency ...... if you take the time to evaluate some related posts available on this Investor Board .....

It remains to be seen what BITCF may or may not do in terms of offering practical cognitive input ..... though I remain optimistic ..... since I have observed leadership's innovative creative strategy in "process" ..... for many years .....

Meanwhile ..... I have augmented the theme of my POST with two more views by prominent economist's ..... by way of Richard Wolff and Professor Jeffrey Sachs ..... which follow below .....

Best Wishes