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08/03/20 3:01 AM

#289377 RE: HinduKush #289373

The appeal as to argument as to Du findings as to Kur

Simplicity is everything in the presentation of an argument - oral argument is now all that Singer can fire up before the FC

The Position as to Kur appears very complex (as reading all that is set out in your post suggests) - if it is to be the subject of OA before FC it needs to be reduced to its clearest and simplest form - Singer has to balance time and chose his lines of attack to produce the most effective results
Can you do this in bullet point format - so that it can expressed in OA in a minute / or two - he has only 15!!!

-simply /clearly stated /very hard hitting ? - the less the number of bullet points the better

I believe you can do this ... post it and send it to Singer

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08/03/20 3:02 AM

#289378 RE: HinduKush #289373

The appeal as to argument as to Du findings as to Kur

Simplicity is everything in the presentation of an argument - oral argument is now all that Singer can fire up before the FC

The Position as to Kur appears very complex (as reading all that is set out in your post suggests) - if it is to be the subject of OA before FC it needs to be reduced to its clearest and simplest form - Singer has to balance time and chose his lines of attack to produce the most effective results
Can you do this in bullet point format - so that it can expressed in OA in a minute / or two - he has only 15!!!

-simply /clearly stated /very hard hitting ? - the less the number of bullet points the better

I believe you can do this ... post it and send it to Singer

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08/03/20 9:19 AM

#289392 RE: HinduKush #289373

From Markman's opinion...."Kurabayashi, on its face, does NOT disclose a reduction in Apo B from administration of pure EPA, which is what the patent claims require."...i. e. the reduction in APO B was NON significant.

This is one of several factual errors made by judge Du in Kura(non significant reduction in APO B) and Mori(wrong population for factual assessment of Marine patent)

The supervisors at the USPTO, who approved the Marine patent, were POSA...judge Du erred when she said that the PTO did NOT examine Kura...This error was important since it formulated her opinion that prima facie evidence pointed to obviousness even before S.C. were dealt with....Then, turning her attention to the support of her decision of obviousness, she weighed negative against positive S.C. without prior case law to support this strategy.
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08/03/20 9:34 AM

#289394 RE: HinduKush #289373

Two points:

1) uspto DID examine Kura.

2) The V does NOT reduce apoB per Kura’s table 2 (important legend was cropped off) and conclusion section.