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07/27/20 12:22 PM

#195691 RE: joshuaeyu #195689

Great post


07/27/20 12:31 PM

#195692 RE: joshuaeyu #195689

So Josh sounds like the only alternative is BMG? It must be too thin for Qualcoms antenna that's why Apple went in house this time with AIP.
What do o you think the odds are that we finally see Apple use BMG in midframe?

Thx for you DD.


07/27/20 12:50 PM

#195695 RE: joshuaeyu #195689

“rubber frame bumper”

Can you explain what this means? Thanks


07/27/20 12:54 PM

#195696 RE: joshuaeyu #195689

All great points, and great insight.

Supply chain capability is the big question and unknown.