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07/26/20 5:19 PM

#296925 RE: longfellow95 #296920

There is a detailed paper floating around somewhere that came out of the Direct P1, which went into quite a lot of detail about how they had learned the time critical partial maturation, which they had previously referred to as Method B (for better).
And I remember thinking that they were in danger of giving their secrets away in that paper, because it was so detailed.
But I've lost the bookmark somehow.
Don't know if anyone knows the one I'm talking about, and can perhaps put up the link.


This one?

Published online 2018 Jul 17. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-2707

Cytokines Produced by Dendritic Cells Administered Intratumorally Correlate with Clinical Outcome in Patients with Diverse Cancers.

Vivek Subbiah,a,1 Ravi Murthy,b,1 David S. Hong,a Robert M. Prins,c Chitra Hosing,d Kyle Hendricks,e Deepthi Kolli,e Lori Noffsinger,e Robert Brown,f Mary McGuire,f Siquing Fu,a Sarina Piha-Paul,a Aung Naing,a Anthony P. Conley,g Robert S Benjamin,g Indreshpal Kaur,h and Marnix L. Bosch

Conflict of interest statement
Conflict of interest:
This study was funded by Northwest Biotherapeutics.


07/26/20 5:27 PM

#296926 RE: longfellow95 #296920

I'm with Ex on this one. Imo dcvax-l and direct are totally different programs. The company has always presented them as such.
On june 2 2019 Bosch spoke about direct but said could not give any detail or real update as they were preparing a paper for publication on direct. I have been watching for this paper ever since but I do not believe it ever happened. Nor did the numerous phase 2 and new phase 1 promised studies on direct ever start. They all just faded away. Now if L is a successful at least should have a better chance to start some trials as funding should be easier. Would like to see them start the phase 2 on sarcoma that was talked about years ago.
Imo direct is many studies and years away. Have never heard the company even hint that because L is a success (I hope) that direct will easily follow. Imo this is more pure message board speculation. Last week it was data lock was behind us and they would spring top line on us to trap the shorts. Communication with the company by myself and many others that we were waiting for data lock was ignored or dismissed until the company put out the pr that had achieved soft lock and hope for hard lock in a couple weeks.
Now that the data lock question cleared up by the company the speculation on easy approval of direct starts.
I'm very long but imo many here are quite good at creative writing and ignore reality
Let's just hope we get good L results before end of September and then hope 1 or more direct trials can start in 2021

On what L will help I'm sticking with Liau, Prins and others at UCLA that it helps mesenchymal genetic group and not much for others

Good luck all

PS to Ex, thanks for the heads up on the cvm concerns. I went back to the 10-k's and then contacted the company for further explanation. You were correct on the IDMC reccomendation but that was later reversed.
After my communication with the company I comfortable keeping my position. Always like communication on personal basis with companies, will see how it turns out