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07/23/20 5:10 PM

#287687 RE: Jasbg #287683

jasbg, I am a former Army Intelligence Officer, was PRP qualified for
tactical nukes in an M-109 155mm gun howitzer battalion. The military
allowed "60-Minutes" to do a story on how the military was coping
with the virus. As I stated in previous posts, its to bad that the
military does not do testing of "safe" protective Vitamins and drugs...
Vascepa (with a statin.)
Vitamin D-3 (with K-2 mk-7)
Both of the above combined.

If AMRN had a more "dynamic" CEO instead of the "milktoast" JT...
(Well, you get the picture.)

Look at what Pfizer will get $2 billion for its vaccine. Hmmm, maybe
Dr. Gotlieb (former FDA Commissioner) and now on the BOD of Pfizer
had something to do with that? Nah! BP would never do anything like

The main point I try to get across is that AMRN, JT, and Vascepa
will never be taken seriously until they are in the hands of BP.
(Even then JT will have issues...less so if he becomes a "Wall Street


07/23/20 6:26 PM

#287703 RE: Jasbg #287683

jas..and others...

John Barry's unbelievably great book.."The Great Influenza".. About the 1918 pandemic..It was running right along beside World War 1 and there were people in the USA that thought it was the result of German Biological warfare (It wasn't)...

Besides being very informative on viruses, contagions it goes on and on about the effects on the population as the plague moved from town to town and spread out..And the result was fear...The 1918 pandemic was several magnitudes more deadly than this current contagion..Fear often resulted from the experts and authorities trying to downplay the danger..And the medical authorities such as JAMA did not go along with the politicians and civilians..JAMA told it like it was..deadly beyond belief..Women would volunteer. Thinking they were noble and brave like Joan of Arc..They quickly dispensed with these fantasies in the hospital halls of death or homes where only the orphans remained. These Joans all quickly disappeared. These "brave" women just quit after half a day..And never returned..The grave diggers all quit. Afraid of the disease and the families were left to bury their dead..There were no more coffins and victims were buried in mass grave eventually dug by steam shovels...No more morticians..They all quit...

Useful information...In the influenza pandemic..The period of death and contagion in any area was in the neighborhood of six to eight weeks..After that "passage" the virus became less lethal and there were fewer cases because the survivors had some immunity and there were fewer numbers of people who were first encountering the virus..In most cases not enough hosts for the virus to infect or spread..And the contagion did not return.

If you want to stay ahead of the bull and know the real truth..Get the book from Amazon...

":>) JL


07/23/20 7:56 PM

#287720 RE: Jasbg #287683

anybody that thinks this pandemic was some sort of "innocent" lab mistake in Wuhan should rethink our relation with China. China's multi year ambitions, and just how they hold human rights in high regard. Why were they messing with bat viruses in the first place? none had ever made the transition from bat to humans in the first place. and then to work on it to enhance its infectiousness is beyond civilized understanding.