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07/23/20 2:12 PM

#66872 RE: Kflawn #66871

Take away the fan already have one, take away the pay for working, its just a hobby.
Add in the actual cost of fertilizer 50 cents, ( the rest of the fertilizer eas used on the vegetables)

Conclusion 2 pounds cost $68.50 to grow on my land.

68.5 ÷480= 14 cents a gram. Lol

Dispensaries price for these 2 pounds in my area would be over 10k . This is the reason y people will grow weed. 10 hrs to save $9931. So if you earn more the $993.00 dollars per hr then by all means save your 10 hrs of relaxing almost therapeutic work.

This Is the underlying flaw with get rich dreams with pot. Profit margins are way to high as of now.

Big AG with developments like combine heafs that harvest and trim the pot at the same time will keep all in production cost for out door pot under .25 cents a gram prolly closer to 20 cents.


07/23/20 2:31 PM

#66873 RE: Kflawn #66871

Ok, alcohol is much much cheaper to produce and requires no real estate to grow it upon, yet people spend billions in bars, not to mention retail beer/wine/liquor sales

Very very few grow their own, but I prefer to. Those plants I talked about are now over 6 feet and I will get at minimum half a pound, closer to a pound each of dry flower.

Gold is free, just go dig it up. You can buy a chicken egg for a few pennies and grow your own chicken pot pies, or raise your own T-bone steaks
We are a convenience culture where few want to get their hands dirty, ergo this entire new marijuana industry.

Price per gram $ .71 paying my self $25 per hr to do the work of growing the plant

mr green239

07/23/20 2:58 PM

#66875 RE: Kflawn #66871

Exactly. Way overvalued plant.

Still profitable at $1/g.


"We cultivated 12,000 kilos last year at 25 cents a gram"

Revenue: 12,000kg @ $1/g = $12M

Costs: 12,000kg @ $0.25/g = $3M

Profit: $9M!

12,000kg can be grown on less than 100 acres!


Sale prices as low as $1/g are definitely feasible as millions of dollars in potential profits can still be generated!