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12/20/06 2:53 PM

#20054 RE: Osback #20052

.001 Sept '05 vs .76 Dec. '06

Naked Shorts are also a viable explanation.
There are others that some may wish to offer.

It's too simplistic just to blame the CEO.
What you suggest is possible, but it's not the only
plausible explanation. It's also a pink and thus not
required to report a lot of what is demanded here.
It makes me step back when there's demands for things
not required in a pink and this is common knowledge.

FTDs are an increasing factor to consider these days.

It makes more sense that a short now looking to cover
would bash and bash and bash and use someone else's
words to make their argument instead of their own.
If they can spread fear and initiate a selloff and
subsequent drop in price, then shorty breathes a sigh
of relief and covers their IOU.

Imo and according to some analysts, shorts have overplayed
themselves and are now experiencing a cash flow problem
when they look to cover as the expected harsh declines
have not happened as expected.

There's shorted plays out there on various stocks
that are getting very old. A link was posted a week or so
ago that is quite informative concerning FTDs.

Now if Downs PRs turn out to be fake, then his parole
will be revoked and it's game over. My guess is, his parole
officer has been inundated with accusations about these
issues and I can't accept they've been ignored. It's just
too easy to follow up on such accusations and get Downs
out of his hair if they were/are true.

Logic dictates that Downs has likely accounted for the
discrepancies pointed out here to the satisfaction of
his parole officer or he'd already be back in the hoosegow.

Again, the old post was discussed and argued back then
over a year ago and the relevance gets lost when share
price was .001 and currently is .76.

It would make more sense to put efforts into proving the
current PRs are false which could have the result desired
by some. I.E., has anyone confirmed the $50M in escrow?
Now THAT would be a coup one way or the other.

A pink is like a teenager, what is true one year is
certainly not the next year.

My moderating experience extends back to 1992 and I still
have my 1st edition of BBS Law. We developed rules which
are pretty much the same as iHub with exception that
vulgarity was allowed then as Free Speech. The internet
has incorporated changes and serious investors know that
vulgarity is not necessary in a discussion. I watched
when the EFF was formed before it became a juggernaut.

It makes more sense to have a dialogue about current events.
It also shows appreciation of iHub resources and standards.
iHub is not an unlimited resource like printable shares.
Imo, free memberships are a privilege and having a premium
membership is not a license to abuse or squander resources.

The point seems to keep being repeated and it's being done
by repeating old posts. That's like telling the same joke
repeatedly. It loses its humor. If you make your point,
move on.

I'm puzzled by the incessant anger towards a stock which
is doing something few other pinks are managing to do.
I'm inclined to suspect the motivation involved.
Mere personal disgust towards lying doesn't account for it.
In my opinion, it goes way beyond any normal reaction of a
serious investor, especially when it's been profitable for so
many and still has a lot of life in it..

In my personal life, I can't stand a liar of a thief.
In my investing, my main concern is: Is it profitable?
I don't care if Downs is a liar if I'm making $.
Show me one completely 100% honest pink out there.
I'll buy it.
This is probably congruent with most investors.
Any investor here would 1st ask themselves: Am I making $ ?

When introduced to iHub, the first thing I noticed and
appreciated: this a place for serious investors.

Serious investors don't carry on to these extremes.
Rehashing the same point repeatedly from old posts is
like getting divorced and then stalking the ex.

As my generation would say, that's not cool.
And no, the 60's are not a blank fog in my memory.

I'm not seeing typical reactions of serious investors like
I do on other boards. This board became worse than RB, imo.

Last, the IDWD, HLS, and websites do not load
for me. I had a colleague attempt from a different system
literally miles away with a dialup and the pages don't load.
I had another with high speed DSL try it with no luck.
It's been tried with Netscape, Opera, Firefox, and Explorer
by independent sources and all have no success loading these
pages. I'm inclined to trust and believe people I know.
I at least know for a fact, the event is not isolated to me.

THIS is a genuine issue imo.
Now i'm going to have some business colleagues 1000+
miles away try it for me. It's possible the problem is
SWBell as a colleague in Florida experienced this issue
with his websites and he blamed SWBell as he was doing
major renovations at his facility including.

It's curious to me that those bashing IDWD report no issue.