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07/15/20 11:25 AM

#17574 RE: ombowstring #17573

Ombow, Well it's getting down to crunch time for CYDY. Based on the recent conference call, it sounds like they should be locking the database near the end of this week, which will give the weekend to do the data analysis, so a press release Monday or Tuesday seems likely, though it could slip a bit. Lots of investor money is riding on this data.

I know you plan to stay long through the event, but this weekend will be the most dangerous time to be long. Traditionally, bad results are announced after the close on a Friday, and good results before the open on Monday, but in CYDY's case it sounds like the results, good or bad, will be next week.

One saving grace is that the severe trial results are still to come, so that will keep some interest in the stock even if the mild/mod trial bombs. CYDY has demonstrated its relative inexperience with the various snafus over the HIV BLA filing, but hopefully their Covid trials ran smoothly. Listening to their presentation, the clinical guy seemed pretty sharp.

I hadn't realized that with the HIV filing, the FDA permitted CYDY to extrapolate some of the high dose data (700 mg) from a previous trial, which is very unusual.

I only own 2 shares of CYDY (which is laughable), but still get nervous over these binary events. I've seen so many weird things happen. The worst is when they unexpectedly announce results (bad) early. One of the few times I actually owned a decent size position and planned to hold it through the binary event, the results were due Monday, but I chickened out and sold 5 minutes before the close on Friday. Then a few minutes later after the close they announced bad results. Luckily I dodged that one (barely), and decided to never hold a big position through a binary event, ever. Maybe a small token or core position, but never a big position.

I'll never forget that close call, I sold at $7 and five minutes later the market closed and the stock crashed to under $1 in the aftermarket, and even lower on Monday morning. It was a 'near death experience', and lots of people on the chatroom board (I think it was Raging Bull), went down in mega flames, never to be heard from again.

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07/15/20 4:59 PM

#17583 RE: ombowstring #17573

ombow: I'm not so sure about Trump losing. The hard left has not helped their cause with the BLM riots of the past 2 months, the calls to defund the police, the stutue destruction....I think the suburban women who typically vote Democratic better think twice this time around because if Biden wins the hard left socialists are coming out to destroy your cozy suburban lives. Much higher taxes, much higher energy costs, forced public house integration into areas that currently are zoned for Single Family Housing. Mandated Area wide school bussing so those suburban parents can pay the huge property taxes to pay for minority kids from the city to go to school in the suburban schools wile the kids from the suburbs are bussed INTO the city. All in the name of fairness and diversity. Completely open borders. And full Federal Benefits for them from Day One. It's all in the position papers from Biden and some of his radical supporters.

I thnk that Trump voters are vastly under-polled. And Many who are polled are afraid to admit they will vote for Trump. They are afraid of being Doxxed, afraid of having their houses vandalized, afraid of losing jobs. It's no joke. What has gone on in recent months and years with the extreme far left cancel culture is appaling. The Democrats want to defund the police, while at the same time they prosecute you if you try to defend yourself. Look at the poor mother in Michigan. Busted, and her husband, becasue she dared to pull a weapon on a growing black mob that was hell bent on ganging up on the couple. And the couple in St Louis. They get threatened with death, death to their pets, death to their children and destruction of their house and THEY are the once charged with a crime. I can't believe that is the country that a majority of voters want to live in. Maybe I am wrong. In which case we will have more than enough wealth to flee these shores permanently, and we will have no anchor holding us back. We will be liquid and highly motivated to leave.