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07/15/20 8:33 AM

#84637 RE: soldier543 #84636

Lol. This is the otc. If the insiders had money to buy stick, they would not be in the otc. This is the lie rent chit, no slabs or sprinklers. Lol


07/15/20 8:48 AM

#84640 RE: soldier543 #84636

Check out the SHMP Class A preferred shares. they can be converted in August for an amount of common shares equal to the nunber of outstanding shares. The insiders ( Easterling) doesn’t need to buy them. He’s practically getting them for free.


07/15/20 8:13 PM

#84649 RE: soldier543 #84636

The principles have been with the company for many years. I'd be willing to bet they have all the shares they want at this point.