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07/14/20 11:04 PM

#17570 RE: gfp927z #17565

gfp: My hospitals are very busy with Covid patients. But the good news is that the 3 large hospitals I cover have not had a single death in 3 weeks. The use of hydroxychloroquine, Dexamethasone and Remdesivir in the sicker patients is proving to be very successful. And people are coming in sooner after symptoms appear and that is when it is easier to treat and keep from getting to the death watch level. The average length of stay for these patients has been just under 5 days. I can't extrapolate to other facilities or other cities. Austin is a fairly educated town with the University here and lots of high tech companies. People are learning the symptoms and are seeking testing and/or treatment sooner. But I see that studies are showing that recovering from the virus is not providing long lasting immunity. Covid specific antibodies are disappearing after about 2 months, so it seems highly suspect that a vaccine will prove to be effective, Unless they can formulate an oral vaccine or nasal mist that a person could take every 2 months.
The nutty markets just continue to get nuttier. S&P over 3200? TSLA over $1500. Nasdaq at new highs? With so many people still out of work. So many businesses in or on the verge of bankruptcy. With the extra $600 a week Fed money for the unemployed due to expire at the end of the month. I've never seen such a disconnect between the markets and the underlying economy. It's astounding.