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Replies to #81 on Civil Discourse


07/12/20 9:36 PM

#82 RE: B402 #81

Chicken Wing and 100mph Duct Tape enthusiasts threatening crossover vote for Trump or Impeachment of Biden if they have to spend one dime more for their favorite product....


07/14/20 12:05 PM

#95 RE: B402 #81

Schools/Daycare/2 class society laid bare....The whole idea that we need schools to feed children in the U.S. Should be repugnant...That part of the 2 class society that the Intellectual left plead bleeding heart to but don't want to address the core problem of.

Then there is school as daycare which is part of the same core problem.....

Now we are in the position that the working class will have to risk their children, then themselves and their loved ones because all the smart folk screwed up 'again', had no answer to the greedy, no gumption other than a quick complaint instead of a forceful response, and those who can afford to will keep their kids at home, will do so in blissful contentment that they are somehow better than, deserve more and forget that we are all Americans and what is essential and what is not.

Maybe this will act as a same up call? At least in part?

We have the resources if not horded...

No matter the problem in modern society excessive greed is the overwhelming core problem keeping us from solving them..