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12/20/06 8:05 AM

#1467 RE: gktignol #1465

Thanks. I looked for the article but wasn't able to access the site at the time. I note it is now back online, but has no back catalog, so I haven't seen the full text. Can anyone provide a link or the full text?

I think most people understand that CEO's are salesmen and will always spin their company and products in the best possible light. Nevertheless it is difficult to take these announcements in any other way but as progress.

Can you just clarify the statement about the licence agreement with Jasper. Is there a difference between a licencing agreement and a manufacturing agreement? Do they have one or both?

'The making pellets like crazy' is news to me and very encouraging.

'for parts makers around the globe'
Is this in response to specific requests from parts makers or could it be a general statement? i.e. they are manufacturing, perhaps to prove machinery, train staff and build some inventory in expectation of demand?

As a manufacturer myself, (factory in Thailand) I always make samples of my own products in anticipation of requests. I can pitch the product as much as I want to but the response is always the same... 'Send me a sample'. Since it can take 2-3 months to get all my suppliers to send me components, I ensure samples are available at all times. Customers will simply not wait 2-3 months for a sample.

How does Integral deals with this aspect, since I know, as sure as eggs are eggs, that my sample will be on its way to some China factory within hours of receipt by the 'customer'. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources, nor is there the legal support in Asia to take them on in court. I get around this to a certain extent by sourcing components from multiple suppliers, making copying more difficult.

I realise that Integral has a different market and products and therefore a different approach... Non disclosure and Non-circumvent agreements?

Overall, I am excited about being invested in Integral. Someone mentioned the 'falling in love' with a stock syndrome which I pay heed to, having been there, done that. I won't hesitate to protect my capital but at the same time, there is nothing wrong with enthusiasm.

I wonder how the inventors of the product will feel when they see it being applied in a hundred different ways on a global scale? Enthusiastic? You bet.