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07/10/20 8:31 PM

#6786 RE: TheShadow #6785

In pinkyland the party is almost never over. Always only one filing or PR to get back in the black. With $RLBY If the litigation gets straightened out. Up will go the pps. That is my guess. if not, the good thing is the most I can lose is only 100% of what I have invested.


07/14/20 11:40 PM

#6787 RE: TheShadow #6785

The Fat lady has song long time ago and buried six feet under with Loser Jeff Eberwein.

In other news, the overall markets are on a tear..,,,you don’t even have to have any skills, buy any real stocks and bam!! You have made bank!

Just stay away from any stocks tied to loser Jeff Eberwein who is worthless stock picker $RLBY