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07/06/20 8:23 PM

#284741 RE: Insync_2000 #284724

"has always been a straight shooter"

Not exactly. See 270629


07/06/20 8:31 PM

#284742 RE: Insync_2000 #284724

Meowza neither has any PACER access, nor is "he" a straight shooter, and you give me waaaaaaaaay too much credit if you think I'm ever gonna ever break any news. Much less here. I'm a hermit with a tin foil dish bootlegging satellite internet from a Himalayan mountain cave. My main focus is on lay-analysis of the stuff smart people spoonfeed me and satirizing some other's posts.

Would have been flippin' tight if a reversal with patent reinstatement just happened to get uploaded tho. Would have *sigh*