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07/04/20 7:11 PM

#293636 RE: CassieW #293585

Nothing was exercised on Thursday, Cassie. Like i wrote last time you need to understand how to read the form 4s and also understand the difference between options and warrants being granted vs their being exercised. Also the difference between options and warrants.

These terms have meaning and you are very confused. You don't seem to want to take my advice to pay closer attention to the words and their meanings and understand what all this actually means. So we have come to the end of my attempts to try to help you understand better. GL.


07/04/20 7:47 PM

#293637 RE: CassieW #293585

This is a baffling statement on several levels. It reflects a total lack of understanding.

Despite their snarky arrogance, I really do feel for some of the people on this board. Some of these folks are in a for a rude awakening because they have no comprehension of how things work in the real world. Kind of scary. I also think some of the people who post here are novice investors in their early 20s. The immaturity and blind ignorance is a prominent tell. They are about to gain some real-world experience. Reality can be a cruel teacher.