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07/02/20 8:01 PM

#56742 RE: Rkf302 #56741

They are frustrated. If I had been here 14 years I probably would be too. I also believe people tend to ignore that it is likely not an easy process to introduce disruptive technology and get it accepted and into commercial products. It takes more time than people want. A cool thing about Lightwave is as they are proving their technology, they are continuing to make impressive improvements to it. Dr. Lebby referred to OLED technology and the process they went through to acceptance as a similar process.

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07/02/20 8:01 PM

#56743 RE: Rkf302 #56741

Your boy over there talking every day that it’s deal time brought this on. Lwlg is the type of stock you buy and forget about. Im not going to pretend to know what sort of timeline this will have. I can see us inking a deal tomo or taking 2-3 years. This is a speculative stock and I’m curious to see how it plays out. Man I sure wish we could see the finish line but we’ll have to see how it unfolds. Quarterly updates would be fantastic and it still irks me they cut off that communication with shareholders. But everyone here should invest only what they can afford to lose and forget about this stock. Hopefully we wake up one day with some pleasant news.