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07/02/20 11:34 AM

#4813 RE: lab40 #4812

No. Absolutely not. Tesla is not in Aerospace. That'd be "Space-X", a PRIVATELY HELD COMPANY: MANY investors WRONGLY confused the two so you wouldn't be the first! Probably because of Mr. Musk. And they won't really be "competing" with Boeing either...

First, as I said: Space exploration,, ...tourism, ...adventures, etc., will morph into colonialisation, freight, supply, & then re-supply missions eventually to Moon, & then Mars (as previously discussed) ...whilst everything else theoretically still goes on. It's a HUGE enterprise & undertaking.

No ONE company CAN dominate that/each area. And you wouldn't want anyone to. By nature, you WANT (& NEED) diversification, redundancies, & options. It's extremely complex. Imagine having ONE SECOND to get everything coordinated & right. A one second window in which to launch a payload, ...& Space-X has some systems failure two weeks out that they can't repair or fix.

NO MATTER how many redundancies you build into a system, no matter how many checks, how far out, amount of foreshadowing, accountability & prescience; it'll ALWAYS boil down to risk-mitigation & probabilities in execution. If a space station needs some re-supplies BEFORE x-date having AT LEAST 3-5 options (redundancies) WILL BE a LIFE OR DEATH circumstance in the event a project coordinator assesses TEAM-X may NOT be on-point. That's why NASA commissioned BOTH Space-X & BOEING for the Commercial Space Program. And they'll probably want to add more. They GAVE BA $4.8B to essentially develop a BRAND NEW LONG TERM revenue stream imv. I'm VERY MUCH LOOKING forward to Jan 2021 Boeing LAUNCH of their directives there...I think it's a GAME CHANGER for BOEING & probably a LAUNCHING POINT for this STOCK!

By then, the 737 MAX will be straightened out, flight mostly restored to normal, Covid-managed (one way or another) & BA will be WELL-POSITIONED to LEVERAGE the event as well!! I am actually ACCUMULATING BOEING with that EVENT in mind! As part of my investment thesis. GLA

(Again, this reply is NOT to any ONE PERSON. I'm answering multiple questions. Yes, I type fast. And do it in-between trades. And English is NOT my first language. So sometimes I misspell, don't finish a thought, etc., & don't often edit either so... It is what it is! GLA)

The MORE competition, support, resources in mind-power, talent, etc., the better.