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06/30/20 3:47 PM

#283809 RE: Biobillionair #283806

My guess would be because approval isn't final yet, and JT hasn't shown his cards on how the company is going to approach that market. Frankly, the market probably feels he might GIA which would be a disaster.

So without pivoting to a different topic can you answer my questions? Nothing seems to support your thesis that we're safe from the generics, no matter how many times you post it.

Certainly the company would lead with that if it were true, vs. having their stock crash and discussing their own generic.


06/30/20 4:22 PM

#283821 RE: Biobillionair #283806

The market will never value AMRN properly (or treat Vascepa as a
legitimate medication) unless or until it is in the hands of BP.
GIA would (continue) to be a disaster...any type of partnership
would also be disastrous (like the inept deal with Kowa.) The
market knows that John Thero will lay to waste this great drug,
if he ends up GIA. John Thero is poison and the company must
be sold to a competent BP to allow Vaspepa sales to be optimized.
Adam Feuerstein attempted to warn John Thero that AMRN was now
on BP Cardiovascular turf. Like it or not, there is a pecking
order to this business, and AMRN is at the bottom.