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07/02/20 2:40 PM

#4095 RE: doesitreallymatter #4094

“However, for the vast majority that wasn't the case for whatever reason”

Let me explain the reason. They were technologically incompetent. This technology is extremely daunting to those with no comfort and confidence with this sort of thing. Their machines went down for weeks and months. I have never been out of business for an entire day since inception. Yes there were issues, but none that couldn’t be addressed by the tech support team or others from the franchise network that responded within minutes. Not one single day lost EVER. Not a single day. I have a tek background and have never let this robot get the best of me for one moment; I think my kidz Reis and Irvy robots are afraid of their daddy! LmFaO

Also, many zees are located in East bum f*ck Egypt. Many didn’t have the sales knowledge to procure anything. Those in better populated area were not up to the challenge. The company was useless in that respect and I deeply regret having spent those location fees. If only you knew the useless venues that they tried to plant us in just to satisfy their location obligations! It takes a go-getter with sales experience to make it happen in the best locations. 24/7/365.

I doubt you live in your grandma’s basement - I am sure they died about 80-100 years ago. I am confident that you have no job, life or anything though.

N A Y A X dude. Not Nayex.

God bless you fella...and for the love of god- wear your f*cking mask poor bastard.