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06/28/20 9:31 PM

#292273 RE: skitahoe #292272

Gary, I agree very strongly with you in these points. I think traders and those lookin to feel rich much sooner than might happen here yet, will disagree. But long-term, in terms of the creation of and retention of potential value long-term, to long-term holders, I think she is doing exactly what is best.

Just my viewpoint, but I know there are others, like you, who also agree. It is rare that biotechs attempt to do this, but I believe she has had complete confidence in DCVax, beyond the confidence that most CEO’s of these tiny biotechs typically has in the venture.
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06/29/20 12:47 AM

#292280 RE: skitahoe #292272

Excellent post Gary.
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06/29/20 4:44 AM

#292292 RE: skitahoe #292272

Great post Gary.

100% agreed

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06/29/20 8:06 AM

#292307 RE: skitahoe #292272

I hope you’re right and my perspective has a lot to do with having been in NWBO for a long time now and seen many false dawns. I can remember when a $5 share price was not something we hoped for if everything broke our way but something in our rear view mirror and when we were a year or less away from game changing news (it really seems like we’re 6 months to a year away and always will be).

I’ve held all my shares and averages down enough so if we get anywhere near $5 I’ll have a gotten almost 5x my money. Then of course the smart thing would be to sell but NWBO has this habit of making you think that the high point is just the beginning. That will be a tough choice and one I sincerely hope I have to make.
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06/29/20 9:41 AM

#292339 RE: skitahoe #292272

In short, LP has gotten the job done.

Under what possible interpretation of the events of the last 11 years could you even remotely come to this conclusion?

First of all, the job is not done. It's not even close, despite what she and her underlings have misled so many on this message board to believe. You do realize that of the steps needed to advance this trial to top line data and pursue regulatory approval, NWBO has taken none of them? That's right - none. They have not even locked the data - soft or hard - despite promising three times in the past two months that they would.

In the time I have been invested she's taken this stock from almost $9.00 per share down to $.37. She has diluted us from well under 200 million outstanding shares to more than 1.2 billion, and she managed to get the stock delisted to OTC where it dangles dangerously close to pink territory.

She has nothing but disdain for shareholders. She lies with impunity. She learned back in 2015 that this trial likely failed to meet its primary PFS endpoint - not because DCVax-L was necessarily ineffective, but more likely because they botched the way the trial was conducted - but instead of announcing this material information to shareholders, starting over from scratch with lessons learned and a still-promising treatment, she instead put the company on silent mode and began the process of seeing how long they could drag this trial out, paying themselves through an endless string of money raises and dilutions.

She has used the company as a personal piggy bank with insider deals like selling off NWBO asset Cognate to herself, pocketing millions from the sale of NWBO asset Sawston real estate, loaning the company money at a usurious interest rate, and cutting herself sweetheart warrant exceptions.

At the same time, she just can't seem to bring herself to purchase any NWBO stock on the open market, even as a PR move. She is a horrible communicator, a terrible public speaker (as demonstrated by her disastrous performance at ASCO two years ago), and regularly flouts SEC regulations and mandates as if they didn't exist.

Under what possible scenario can you say with a straight face that she has "gotten the job done"? The job is not done. Just watch what happens after they announce the "soft" lock either this week or next. Back to radio silence, and except for multiple money raises and dilutions in the interim, it may be many months before we hear anything again about the status of this trial.