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06/28/20 8:07 AM

#283359 RE: rosemountbomber #283354


That’s why we are at wars all the time

Peace makes no money. Wars are there to make profit.


06/28/20 8:26 AM

#283361 RE: rosemountbomber #283354

And now we have another military branch: the space force.
Kiwi who will attack us in the space? This is just wasting our tax dollars but god forbid we use some of that money to help people who pay those taxes. Socialism!
Don’t hear socialism once people turn 65 and get medicare and social security checks.

Don’t hear people complaining of spending 7 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Imagine what that money could have done for people here in the states (plus safe 1 million Iraqis lives). We destroyed Libya, one of the most advanced countries in Africa. They have open slave trades there right now.