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06/26/20 10:01 PM

#292073 RE: meirluc #292072

Edit post 292072: by error I put the message in quotes. IT is my message and should not be in quotation. I apologize.


06/26/20 10:35 PM

#292075 RE: meirluc #292072

I agree with all of this but you need to assign a factor. It's not 2 to 1 or 66 33 its 70 30. So you need to multiply the treatment arm by .42 for apples to apples comparison.


06/27/20 11:53 AM

#292119 RE: meirluc #292072

It’s my bet that when they unblind, they find that all the unmethylated survivors at or over 3 years were treatment patients. Should this turn out to be the case, that would represent a tremendous step forward for unmethylated patients, for whom nothing seems to work.