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06/26/20 4:34 AM

#8238 RE: cardvic #8237

I guess there were no questions, this is from the original PR:

"Registered shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders will have an equal opportunity to participate in the 2020 Annual and Special Meeting online regardless of their geographic location, including a chance to ask questions and vote."

I know I have questions, especially why they are handing out restricted shares like candy to the company officers, while this stock is in penny land. ??
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06/26/20 7:27 PM

#8241 RE: cardvic #8237

Question-and-Answer Session

Q - Eric Klein

My name is Eric Klein, and I am a shareholder. I so move that the 7 persons nominated as directors of the company be so elected.

Michael Gorenstein

Does anyone second the motion?

Georgia Godfrey

My name is Georgia Godfrey, and I'm a shareholder. I second the motion.

Michael Gorenstein

Moderator, can you please advise whether any questions have been received from the participants of the meeting, specifically on this motion?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no questions or comments have been received on this item.

Michael Gorenstein

We'll now continue with the business of the meeting. In accordance with the company's majority voting policy, we will have individual voting for directors to be conducted by way of online ballot. To be approved, each director must be elected by a plurality of the votes cast at the meeting. As previously noted, if you have previously submitted a completed proxy and you vote again during the online ballot during the meeting, your online vote during the meeting will revoke your previously submitted proxy. If you have already voted by proxy and you not wish to revoke your previously submitted proxy, do not vote again during the online ballot.

The next item of business is the advisory vote on the compensation of the company's named executive officers. As described in the proxy statement, shareholders are asked to consider, and if thought advisable, to approve the ordinary resolution on the compensation of the company's named executive officers. This vote is advisory only and nonbinding on the company and the Board of Directors. However, the Board of Directors and its compensation committee will consider the outcome of the vote when making future compensation decisions for the company's named executive officers. The full text of the advisory resolution is set out on Page 69 of the proxy statement. To be approved, the advisory resolution must be passed by a majority of the votes cast at the meeting. I request a motion regarding this item of business.

Eric Klein

I move that the advisory resolution, as set out on Page 69 of the proxy statement, be passed as an ordinary resolution of shareholders.

Michael Gorenstein

Does anyone second the motion?

Georgia Godfrey

I second the motion.

Michael Gorenstein

Moderator, can you please advise whether any questions or comments have been received from the participants of the meeting, specifically on this motion?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no questions or comments have been received on this item.

Michael Gorenstein

We will now continue with the business of the meeting. As previously noted, if you have previously submitted a completed proxy and you vote again during the online ballot during the meeting, your online vote during the meeting will revoke your previously submitted proxy. If you have already voted by proxy and do not wish to revoke your previously submitted proxy, do not vote again during the online ballot.

The next item of business is the advisory vote on the frequency of future shareholders say on pay votes. As described in the proxy statement, shareholders are asked to consider, and if thought advisable, to approve the ordinary resolution on the frequency of future shareholder say on pay votes. This vote is advisory only and nonbinding on the company and the Board of Directors. However, the Board of Directors and its compensation committee will consider the outcome of the vote when determining how frequently a say on pay vote will be presented to shareholders. The full text of the advisory resolution is set out on Page 70 of the proxy statement. You may select one year, two years, three years or abstain when voting. The selection that receives the greatest number of votes will be deemed to have received the recommendation of the shareholders. I request a motion regarding this item of business.

Eric Klein

I move that the advisory resolution, as set out on Page 70 of the proxy statement, be passed as an ordinary resolution of shareholders.

Michael Gorenstein

Does anyone second the motion?

Georgia Godfrey

I second the motion.

Michael Gorenstein

Moderator, can you please advise whether any questions or comments have been received from the participants of the meeting, specifically on this motion?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no questions or comments have been received on this item.

Michael Gorenstein

We will now continue with the business of the meeting. As previously noted, if you have previously submitted a completed proxy and you vote again during the online ballot during the meeting, your online vote during the meeting will revoke your previously submitted proxy. If you have already voted by proxy and do not wish to revoke your previously submitted proxy, do not vote again during the online ballot.

The next item of business is the approval of the 2020 Omnibus Equity Incentive Plan of the company, as adopted by the Board of Directors of the company on March 29, 2020. As described in the proxy statement, shareholders are asked to consider, and if thought advisable, to approve an ordinary resolution approving the 2020 Omnibus plan. To be approved, the resolution must be passed by majority of the votes cast at the meeting. I request a motion regarding this item of business.

Eric Klein

I move that the 2020 Omnibus plan of the company to be approved in the form adopted by the Board of Directors of the company on March 29, 2020.

Michael Gorenstein

Does anyone second the motion?

Georgia Godfrey

I second the motion.

Michael Gorenstein

Moderator, can you please advise whether any questions or comments have been received from the participants of the meeting, specifically on this motion?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no questions or comments have been received on this item.

Michael Gorenstein

We will now continue with the business of the meeting. As previously noted, if you have previously submitted a completed proxy and you voted in the online ballot during the meeting, your online vote during the meeting will revoke your previously submitted proxy. If you have already voted by proxy and do not wish to revoke your previously submitted proxy, do not vote again during the online ballot.

The next item of business is the authorization of the company to make an application for the continuance of the company from the laws of the Province of Ontario to the laws of the Province of British Columbia, and the approval of the notice of articles and articles of the continued company. As described in the proxy statement, shareholders are asked to consider, and if thought advisable, to approve a special resolution on the continuance. The full text of the resolution is set out on Page C1 of the proxy statement, with reference being made to the proxy statement dated April 28, 2020, therein. To be approved, the resolution must be passed by 2/3 of the votes cast at the meeting. I request a motion regarding this item of business.

Eric Klein

I move that the resolution, as set out on Page C1 of the proxy statement, be passed as a special resolution of shareholders.

Michael Gorenstein

Does anyone second the motion?

Georgia Godfrey

I second the motion.

Michael Gorenstein

Moderator, can you please advise whether any questions or comments have been received from the participants of the meeting, specifically on this motion?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no questions or comments have been received on this item.

Michael Gorenstein

We will now continue with the business of the meeting. As previously noted, if you have previously submitted a completed proxy and you vote again during the online ballot during the meeting, your online vote during the meeting will revoke your previously submitted proxy. If you have already voted by proxy and do not wish to revoke your previously submitted proxy, do not vote again during the online ballot.

The next item of business is the appointment of KPMG as the auditors of the company for fiscal year 2020 and to authorize the Board of Directors of the company to fix their remuneration. To be approved, the resolution must be passed by a plurality of the votes cast at the meeting. I request a motion regarding this item of business.

Eric Klein

I move that KPMG LLP be appointed as auditors of the company for fiscal year 2020 to serve until the close of the next annual meeting of shareholders or until a successor's appointment, and to authorize the Board of Directors of the company to fix their remuneration.

Michael Gorenstein

Does anyone second the motion?

Georgia Godfrey

I second the motion.

Michael Gorenstein

Moderator, can you please advise whether any questions or comments have been received from the participants of the meeting, specifically on this motion?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no questions or comments have been received on this item.

Michael Gorenstein

As previously noted, if you have previously submitted a completed proxy and you vote again during the online ballot during the meeting, your online vote during the meeting will revoke your previously submitted proxy. If you have already voted by proxy and do not wish to revoke your previously submitted proxy, do not vote again during the online ballot.

That concludes the discussion of each item of formal business included in the notice of meeting. The polls on all such items of business are now closed. I am pleased to confirm that based on the preliminary results provided by the scrutineer, that all matters have been passed with the requisite shareholder approval. A report disclosing the final voting results will be filed on SEDAR and EDGAR and disclosed in a press release promptly following the meeting.

Moderator, can you please advise whether any further business has properly come before this meeting?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no further business has been brought before this meeting.

Michael Gorenstein

This concludes the formal business brought before the meeting. As there is no further business to come before the meeting, I now declare this meeting terminated. We would now like to invite any supplemental questions from registered shareholders or duly appointed proxy holders present at the meeting. As for the physical meeting, we will observe the same protocols of appropriateness and relevance to the meeting. Rest assured, we will not be attempting to limit or filter legitimate questions, and we'll do our best to address issues raised. As previously noted, to the extent we are unable to respond to a submitted question, we will endeavor to follow up with you after this meeting. If you wish to ask a question, please click on the question icon, type in and submit your question. Moderator, can you please advise whether any questions or comments have been received from the participants of the meeting, specifically on this motion?


Mr. Chairman, I confirm no questions or comments have been received on this item.

Michael Gorenstein

Seeing as there are no further comments or questions, I would like to thank you for attending.


Thank you. This concludes today's meeting. We thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect. Have a great day.