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06/26/20 2:14 AM

#193141 RE: faithabides #193133

"We have $161m market cap .. if he dilutes the full $24m, that’s 15%"

never mind the market cap...its is not diluting a defined number of shares....hes going to sell as many shares as necessary to get to $24 mil bucks...

the amount of shares that takes could be far more than anyone here is anticipating...even if things go well, kim is diluting the crap out of case scenario, it will likely be closer to 20%...

20% dilution in a short period of time? big deal?....are you kidding me??? doesn't matter if you can find other companies that have done worse...all-time chart bs doesn't help either...

"The only thing that I hoped for in this situation differently would have been to have a Milliken step in to do this to join the ride up."

yes I know...and like I said...Milliken is a potential customer of kblb's...they are a potential buyer of their product...they are not financiers, they will not cough up any money to help save kblb, they will not buy them out and they will not ride in on a white horse and save the damsel in distress...

that's not who they are nor what they do...

everytime kim does any kind of deal with a company, within 3 minutes, dozens of posters claim to have fabulous d/d indicating that that company is going to take kblb under their wing and lead them to the promised land with all kinds of funding and emotional

it happened with sial, Warwick, the army, polartec and now Maxim...

maxim is going to help kblb sell a butt load of shares on the open market...cause that's what they do...