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06/25/20 7:00 PM

#291836 RE: FloatServe #291832

We knew 90% already received the vaccine. Those with psuedo progression from the vaccine that "crossed over" didn't really cross over. They were already getting the vaccine. I am not as concerned about final numbers when they "Adjudicate" who actually crossed over from actual progression. While that may have made some vaccine candidates (Early) look like failures to PFS, this is likely the reason for the length of this trial, IMO. She also said that with immunotherapies land mark survival 3 or 5 year %'s might be better endpoints. She was showing another trial but if this works for 30 or 40% very well and the other's not so much then the MEDIAN isn't then end all be all.


Think about the extreme case where two curves track the same up to the 50% mark and for what ever reason 49% of patients live 10 years and the curve is completely flat out to right in the treatment arm and in the control arm they all pass away shortly after the median with the curve getting steeper after the median. Would this not be a great success? I think it would. Would you take a drug if you had a 49/51% chance of being cured?

I don't think DCVAX will be that dramatic but maybe 30 to 40% will show marked improvement in my opinion. The curves should start to separate after a delay and the treatment arm will continue to flatten and actually look like a curve an actual elongated curve IMO.