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06/24/20 12:01 PM

#291437 RE: VuBru #291430

Yeah, but see the problem here is that they first told us it would happen by the end of May. Then they told us it would happen in mid June. Now they are telling us it will happen by the end of next week.

But it won't. Because nothing ever happens the way NWBO says it is going to happen. And don't forget: they are not talking about a real data lock. This is a "soft" data lock that is supposedly going to happen by the end of the next week (but won't). A soft data lock is just another company failure. It's a failure by the CEO to do what needs to be done to produce top line data. Only a hard data lock can advance that process. The soft data lock means that even now - after 12 fucking years! - they still are not ready to lock the data - which is the actual necessary step they should be taking to actually produce top line data. Instead they whine and complain for six paragraphs about the impossible situation they are in due to COVID-19. Yeah, great. What will the excuse be next week? Because there's always another excuse. A soft data lock just gives them another out, another excuse, another way to blame somebody else, and another way to kick the can some more while they supposedly wait for additional data to come in.

This is all a game. They are masters at playing this game, and so many shareholders seem to just lap it up - even after 12 years of nothing but lies, deceit and disdain for shareholders demonstrated by the leadership of this company. Read the whiny paragraphs again about the data they supposedly cannot get their hands on because of COVID-19. There are at least five or six deal-killing "outs" that they are setting up here, so that they can come back later and say, well, "we never could get that data shipped," or "somebody unplugged the refrigerator and our samples were ruined," or "the person in charge of monitoring and compiling the data was furloughed due to COVID-19." The outs they have set up here are almost limitless. It's a game.

Real companies with real executives in charge get things done. Companies like NWBO never do. That's because their objective is not to produce data on DCVax-L (which they know is a failure), but to keep the curtain closed as long as possible so they can keep paying themselves as long as possible. You all will see soon enough.


06/24/20 12:14 PM

#291442 RE: VuBru #291430

Yes, missing MRIs.

The patient visits came to an end over 18 months ago per trial protocol and patient consent forms That is also (coincedentaly) about when they started the scrub.

I can understand the genetic data (though it smells like planning to data mine to me). But not the MRIs.

How do you know the MRIs are not critical to the data package? You know for a fact the missing ones are all post progression? And if not, they can not very well unblind then add in missing scans as found.


06/24/20 2:07 PM

#291476 RE: VuBru #291430

Sorry Vator; it's not really at all clear.
Is it soft lock or hard lock in 10 days?
The way I read it, it's soft lock.
But it could be hard lock.
Or is it semi-hard lock?
In every sentence, it's impossible to tell if they are talking about soft lock or hard lock.

Which means hard lock could be some time down the road.

I would like weekly updates from the company and clarity.